New Enrollment Information
Trial Period Enrollment
Each new member begins with CJT for one-month as a trial period before official enrollment. In order to stay current with any practice changes or events, we ask that you complete a Trial-Period Enrollment Form so that we have access to your contact information.
Official Enrollment
After your trial period has ended, we ask that you complete the Official Membership Application Form. This form is mandatory to be completed in order to become an official member of CJT. Official enrollment must be completed within 5 days after your trial period ended.
Expectations for New Families and Members
We expect students to arrive on time to the regularly scheduled practices and to be dressed appropriately. Students are expected to practice their instrument at home for at least 15 min a day. They are expected to behave during practice sessions and at performances and to have a FUN time.
CJT expects parents to bring their child on time to regularly scheduled practices and performances. We expect parents to encourage their child to practice their dance, song, and music at home. Praise your child and encourage them to show what they have learned.
CJT is a non-profit organization and relies on the help of parents with fundraising. We run several fundraisers throughout the year to help with the cost of trips, instruments, costumes, instructor fees, parties, fun events etc.
Registration and Membership Fees
CJT One Time Registration Fee: $15.00
CFU Annual Fee: $27.00
Please return both forms to the CJT Finance Department. One check can be made for the total of both amounts. We will forward your CFU application and payment to the corporate office.
Weekly Member Dues
Dance Only: $6
Dance and Music: $12
Dues are payable the first week of each month. We prefer that payment is made with a check or via Automated Clearing House (ACH). Make checks payable to Cleveland Jr. Tamburitzans (CJT).